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Guided Biofilm Therapy-A Must for Implantologists

Biofilm is the cause of not only decay but gum disease. Unfortunately, biofilms structure in essence protects oral bacteria against antimicrobials and even antibiotics. Its strong adherence...

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Salivary Diagnostics-Yay or Nay

Dental implants are the ultimate service in dentistry. It can be life changing for patients and satisfying for the dentist. The success rate is high but for some there are failures and in that...

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Fundamental Differences of Periodontitis and Peri-Implantitis

Periodontitis and peri-implantitis have several similarities but there are central differences due to the variance of anatomy and structure of the tooth and the implant. Treatment of each...

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Microscopes: Avenues for Success

The opportunities in dentistry to have our field of vision enhanced is nothing new. Surgical loupes have been around since 1876. They were convex lenses that were attached to a headband. We've come...

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A New Option for Implant Maintenance

Biofilm management is critical to keeping implants healthy and disease free. Peri-implant issues such as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis reduce implant success. Whether position or...

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To Floss or Not to Floss...

Dental implants may be designed to feel, look and function like a natural tooth but there are anatomical differences that can’t be overlooked. Keeping implant tissues healthy and free of...

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Polishing Implants and Restorations

As with any protocol in healthcare, time lends itself to a reevaluation of the standard of care and if in fact what we do is deemed appropriate. Advances in medicine and dentistry abound and...

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Biofilm: Dentistry's Nemesis

Most bacteria in the body do not exist as a single floating cell. They are in communities called biofilms. To form this biofilm, bacteria first adhere to a surface then generates a polysaccharide...

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