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Dentistry's Responsibility in Human Trafficking

The American Dental Association has a Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct whereby the dentist is “obliged to become familiar with the signs of abuse and neglect and to...

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The healthcare industry has been a primary target for data hackers.   Some of the most valuable information for hackers such as social security numbers, names, addresses and health...

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Tips to Help Market Your Implant Practice

The American College of Prosthodontics estimates that there are 120 million Americans who are missing at least one tooth, and about 36 million have no teeth. The American Dental Association...

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Value Disciplines: Define Your Practice

In 1995 Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema published a book The Discipline of Market Leaders. Based on 5 years of research it provided a business model on three types of “disciplines”:...

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Dental Implants: Medical Coding and Reimbursement

One of the biggest hurdles in dentistry is the age-old question “will my insurance pay for this?”. As much as we would aspire to have a fee for service, money is no object practice, the...

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