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Epilepsy and Dentistry

Our brain consists of millions of neurons, extensions and support between those neurons. It is often said that the brain houses more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way. Current...

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Opportunities with Minimally Invasive Implantology in the Aged Population

Defining elderly is a sticky wicket. Elderly can carry the connotation of feeble and dependent. The old adjective dates back hundreds of years and from an even older noun, elder. It can be traced...

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Pain Management and Healing Recovery-Naturally

All dentists want their patients to be comfortable and pain free during and following implant surgical procedures. Pain management and the opioid crisis is in the forefront of peoples mind and...

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Up to Date Health History

Up to Date Health History

Comorbidities is something medicine and dentistry know a lot about. But in the spring of 2020 so did the general public. In 2009 an article was published in the Annals of...

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Oral Systemic Health

In 2017, Shawn Kane M.D., said “the oral cavity is the intersection of medicine and dentistry and the window into the general health of a patient”.  Bidirectional relationships...

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