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Why Minimally Invasive? To Closely Duplicate the Natural Tooth

Nature designed a very good system. Specialized tissue protects every opening in the human body from bacteria.

The oral cavity is truly unique. It is the only place in the body that the the...

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Clinical Steps to Assess Peri-Implant Health

Having a system in place to assess implant health for every clinician in the practice will give the office the consistency needed to help not only treat implant issues but to prevent any problems...

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Up to Date Health History

Up to Date Health History

Comorbidities is something medicine and dentistry know a lot about. But in the spring of 2020 so did the general public. In 2009 an article was published in the Annals of...

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The healthcare industry has been a primary target for data hackers.   Some of the most valuable information for hackers such as social security numbers, names, addresses and health...

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Tips to Help Market Your Implant Practice

The American College of Prosthodontics estimates that there are 120 million Americans who are missing at least one tooth, and about 36 million have no teeth. The American Dental Association...

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Antibiotics for Implant Surgery

Every year in the United States at least 2 million people become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria and approximately 23,000 people die as a result.1 Dentists prescribed 10% of the...

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Oral Systemic Health

In 2017, Shawn Kane M.D., said “the oral cavity is the intersection of medicine and dentistry and the window into the general health of a patient”.  Bidirectional relationships...

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Screening for Sleep Disordered Breathing in the Dental Office

One of the most difficult stumbling blocks in implementing OSA screenings in the dental office is educating the team to create conversations with patients. Most patients have no idea they have a...

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Dentistryā€™s Most Common Pre-Procedural Rinse-Chlorhexidine

Using pre-procedural rinses can be advantageous in two ways. When using handpieces or ultrasonic scalers a rinse can help decrease the bacteria in the aerosolized saliva that is released into the...

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