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To Floss or Not to Floss...

Dental implants may be designed to feel, look and function like a natural tooth but there are anatomical differences that can’t be overlooked. Keeping implant tissues healthy and free of...

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An overview of AAP Peri-Implant Classifications

In 2017 the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) met and developed updates to the 1999 classification of periodontal diseases and conditions....

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Polishing Implants and Restorations

As with any protocol in healthcare, time lends itself to a reevaluation of the standard of care and if in fact what we do is deemed appropriate. Advances in medicine and dentistry abound and...

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Early and Late Implant Failures

The dental hygienist is key in assisting dentists to monitor and provide comprehensive maintenance for an implant. The collaboration between the clinicians and keeping detailed records as too soft...

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2020/2021 ADA Dental Implant Codes - Update

In 2020 the American Dental Association brought 37 new CDT codes or Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature. The purpose of the CDT Code “is to achieve uniformity, consistency and...

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Are Sleep Studies Prudent Before Placing Implants?

About 10% of the adult population in the world suffers from obstructive sleep apnea or sleep disordered breathing and about 90% of those have not been diagnosed.1  7% of men are living with...

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Biofilm: Dentistry's Nemesis

Most bacteria in the body do not exist as a single floating cell. They are in communities called biofilms. To form this biofilm, bacteria first adhere to a surface then generates a polysaccharide...

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Value Disciplines: Define Your Practice

In 1995 Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema published a book The Discipline of Market Leaders. Based on 5 years of research it provided a business model on three types of “disciplines”:...

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Dental Implants: Medical Coding and Reimbursement

One of the biggest hurdles in dentistry is the age-old question “will my insurance pay for this?”. As much as we would aspire to have a fee for service, money is no object practice, the...

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The Magic System: A Triad of Value

The Magic System a Triad of Value (V3)  

Instruments + Implants Protocols = Success 

The basis for dental implants is a biologic process called...

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